

线性二次调节器(Linear Quadratic Regulator, LQR)是最经典的最优控制问题之一。本节通过求解最基本的 LQR 问题展示 pockit 的使用方法。

系统仅包含一个阶段。有 \(n_x = 1\) 个状态变量 \(x\) 和 \(n_u = 1\) 个控制变量 \(u\)。动力学方程为

$$ \dot x = ax + bu $$

其中 \(a = -1, b = 1\) 为给定的参数。 有单个积分

$$ \mathbb{I} = \int_{t_0}^{t_f} \left( q x^2 + r u^2 \right) \mathrm dt $$

参数 \(q = 1, r = 0.1\)。 阶段的时间区间固定为 \(t_0 = 0, t_f = 1\),有边界条件

$$ x_0 = 1, x_f = \text{free} $$


$$ F = \mathbb I + \frac{s x_f^2}{2} $$

参数 \(s = 1\)。


from pockit.lobatto import System, constant_guess
from pockit.optimizer import ipopt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# LQR problem:
# min ∫_0^1 (q * x^2 + r * u^2) dt + s * x_f^2 / 2
# s.t. x' = a * x + b * u, x(0) = 1

# Set parameters
a, b, s, q, r = -1, 1, 1, 1, 0.1

# Set up the system
system = System(["x_f"])  # the system has one free parameter x_f
x_f, = system.s  # extract the Sympy symbol x_f
phase = system.new_phase(["x"], ["u"])  # the phase has one state x and one control u
x, = phase.x  # extract the Sympy symbol x
u, = phase.u  # extract the Sympy symbol u
phase.set_dynamics([a * x + b * u])  # x' = a * x + b * u
phase.set_integral([q * x ** 2 + r * u ** 2])  # I = ∫ q * x^2 + r * u^2 dt
phase.set_boundary_condition([1], [x_f], 0, 1)  # x(0) = 1, x(t_f) = x_f, t_0 = 0, t_f = 1
phase.set_discretization(10, 10)  # 10 subintervals with 10 collocation points in each subinterval
system.set_phase([phase])  # bind the phase to the system
system.set_objective(phase.I[0] + s * x_f ** 2 / 2)  # define the objective function

# Solve the problem
guess_p = constant_guess(phase, 0)  # initial guess for the phase
guess_s = [0.]  # initial guess for the free parameter x_f
# var_p, var_s: the optimal solution for the phase and the free parameter
[var_p, var_s], info = ipopt.solve(system, [guess_p, guess_s])

# Print the results
print("status:", info["status_msg"].decode())
print("objective:", info["obj_val"])  # 0.2319139744522318

# Plot the results
plt.plot(var_p.t_x, var_p.x[0], label="x")  # only one state variable and one control variable, 
plt.plot(var_p.t_u, var_p.u[0], label="u")  # so the indices are 0 for both

