Scipy Backend

If you cannot install IPOPT, you can also use the nonlinear programming solver in Scipy.

For general problems, IPOPT performs significantly better than the nonlinear programming optimizer in Scipy. Therefore, it is always recommended to use IPOPT as the underlying optimizer. However, if the problem is simple and there are difficulties in installing IPOPT, it is also OK to use Scipy as the nonlinear programming solver in pockit.

Installation Steps

Using conda as an example:

  1. Install Anaconda, Miniconda, or Miniforge
  2. Create a new environment and activate it (with Python version 3.11 or 3.12)
    conda create -n pockit python=3.12
    conda activate pockit
  3. Install dependencies
    conda install -c conda-forge --file requirements_core.txt
  4. Copy the pockit code folder to the working directory
  5. (Optional) Install other potentially useful libraries
    conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib jupyter

In the current setup, you can only use the pockit.optimizer.scipy.solve solver.