Install IPOPT Manually
The advantages of manually compiling IPOPT are:
- For non-x86 architectures, there may be no precompiled binaries available for installation
- Manual compilation allows you to choose the linked BLAS/LAPACK libraries and linear solvers. They are important for the convergence and performance of the calculations.
Installation Steps
- Compile and install IPOPT according to the official IPOPT documentation
- Create a new environment and activate it (with Python version 3.11 or 3.12)
conda create -n pockit python=3.12 conda activate pockit
- Install dependencies (at this point, you should use pip instead of conda, to utilize the IPOPT installed on the system)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Copy the pockit code folder to the working directory
- (Optional) Install other potentially useful libraries
pip install matplotlib jupyter