Install IPOPT Manually

The advantages of manually compiling IPOPT are:

  • For non-x86 architectures, there may be no precompiled binaries available for installation
  • Manual compilation allows you to choose the linked BLAS/LAPACK libraries and linear solvers. They are important for the convergence and performance of the calculations.

Installation Steps

  1. Compile and install IPOPT according to the official IPOPT documentation
  2. Create a new environment and activate it (with Python version 3.11 or 3.12)
    conda create -n pockit python=3.12
    conda activate pockit
  3. Install dependencies (at this point, you should use pip instead of conda, to utilize the IPOPT installed on the system)
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Copy the pockit code folder to the working directory
  5. (Optional) Install other potentially useful libraries
    pip install matplotlib jupyter